Question by A.: What is the best material for crochet hook and knitting needle?
I would like to start knitting and crocheting and would like to get the best tools. What are the best materials for crochet hook and knitting needle in your opinion and WHY? Wood, metal, bamboo, plastic, anything else?
Thanks a lot.
Best answer:
Answer by DR + Mrs Bears face
This is so much a matter of choice.
Personally I prefer metal because the yarn slips off the needle easily. Others do not like metal because the yarn slips off easily.
Bamboo is popular because they do not click when knitting. Some people find the click of knitting needles irritating.
Plastic I do not like because if your hands are hot the sweat makes the needle damp and the yarn can be hard to slide off the needle. They also break easily.
Wood I do not like because the yarn doesn’t slip off easily. Also the wood can get damaged and this makes the yarn harder to slide off and splinters get into the yarn.
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