The Art of Crochet by Teresa – Crochet Circle to Square – Granny Square

How to crochet a circle into a square. Written Instructions Crochet Blog Filet Crochet Charts
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Written instructions for ripple double crochet Crochet Blog
Video Rating: 4 / 5





50 responses to “The Art of Crochet by Teresa – Crochet Circle to Square – Granny Square”

  1. mavlemail Avatar

    How can I increase and decrease stichs to crochet a square with a 5 rows circle, begining with 19 double crochet??

  2. tjw1963 Avatar

    @dwiggin3 You will have to modify but it can be done.

  3. dwiggin3 Avatar

    can I skip the second row? I like the look of just the first row of stitches so it’s less square-ish?

  4. dwiggin3 Avatar

    Thank you…so helpful. I am new to crochet and instead of doing something easy, I’ve bitten off a lot.

    I have 120 multi-colored circles that I need to turn into squares and then join together for a blanket however, many of my circles are different sizes…I didn’t keep the number of stitches constant (some circles may have 30 stitches round some 18 and so on) So, how do I know how many stitches to make for each “side” of the square? I notice that you are doing 2 of each kind. Can you help?

  5. jennibear8312 Avatar


  6. nessalyn02 Avatar

    I’m soo glad I found this video! I tried following this method with another one of your videos and just got confused. You rock!

  7. tjw1963 Avatar

    Technically the beginning of the triangle starts off as a circle if you are working it in rounds. Your points form as you work your increase corners.

  8. Flower707Child Avatar

    is it possible to crochet a circle to triangle?

  9. Buckleigh Avatar

    I love how you bury the tail of the second color in your work. I learned this method years ago, and it eliminates weaving in after you have finished.

  10. tjw1963 Avatar

    First you will divide the square in to 4 parts. There will be 3 stitches in in each part. Two stitches will form the flat side of your square. You will need to do increases in your third stitch. That may be 3 double crochet, chain 2, 3 double crochet . You will continue on around with your next side the same way until all 4 sides are complete.

  11. antancia Avatar

    I’m extremely new at crocheting and was wondering if you could help me out. I have a much smaller circle that I would like to turn into a square. It’s only a little more than 3″ across. I only have 12 spaces around, so there would be two space between corners. What do you think would be the best way to go about it?

  12. tjw1963 Avatar

    The hook size will depend on your yarn. A size G may work better for a dishcloth when you are looking for tighter and closer stitches.

  13. genevalou Avatar

    I really like this one, made a dishcloth from it. I used a G hook instead of an I. I added an extra row of sc to make larger. The piece seemed a little tight, haven’t used it yet. What hook would you use for a dishcloth? I bet you’d have an neat idea how to make this into a 7 inch square dishcloth? Many thanks!

  14. tjw1963 Avatar

    Thank you. I will send you the link I have for more crochet stitches. That may help refresh your memory.

  15. trishsangels Avatar

    Man you are so talented at this. I LOVED this video. I have crocheted for years but I dropped it and just have started back, since I have a new grand baby coming and I am crocheting a quilt. And it is all double crochet! I wish I could remember better stiches but I guess this will do for now! Thanks 4 the videos God bless you

  16. bpierroh Avatar

    Thankyou verry much.

  17. tjw1963 Avatar

    Size I crochet hook. The link to my crochet blog is posted to the right of this video, under my channel image if you need further written details.

  18. bpierroh Avatar

    what is nummer the hook?

  19. cincyluv Avatar

    Thanks teresa I think i ‘ve caught on to this square love learning the granny squares This my fav on you tube every eve. Savannah

  20. tjw1963 Avatar

    I really appreciate your comment. I do love to crochet and to share my knowledge. You are welcome to call me Teresa.

  21. cincyluv Avatar

    Finally,I can tell you how much your web site means to me. thank you from all of the wanna be crochetrs ,I feel like i have meet a friend ,a freind who likes to crochet as much as i do. ok i’ll quit carrying on so it just that it has taken many many times just to get signed on ,oh by the way my name is Savannah,thanks tjw,

  22. tjw1963 Avatar

    Granny squares can be made in to afghans.

  23. mesiiik Avatar

    it seems nice .) what can it be used for? .) just under the cup of cofee or tea or sth like that? .))

  24. theblackrosexx Avatar


    i have been trying this one and having a few problems. I have done all the rounds for the circle but when it comes to forming the square i have too many spaces left over before the corner and it seems out of shape. What am i doing wrong lol? I have counted 20 stitches on the first and second row and 40 on the third row.

  25. tjw1963 Avatar

    You can try the triple crochet and quadruple crochet. It might be necessary to use chains for the rest of it to get a corner.

  26. nhytgrfdebgtrfd Avatar

    If you want to marry an Russain women come to us

  27. healthnbeauty1 Avatar

    This was a great lesson!!! I’m going to try it.

  28. lilpearl0707 Avatar

    Dear Teresa,

    I have tryed this pattern 4 times and each time I end up with 3 chains before I do the last decrease! How many do you start with in the demo? I did the 12 + 6 like you said but it did not work for me. I started out with 30 chains.
    Help please.

  29. p4ttheb4ker Avatar

    Is this possible to do with a beanie?

  30. shit6152 Avatar

    sorry but i don’t like it!!!!!

  31. tjw1963 Avatar

    @CrochetingNanya Thank you for the warm comment. I appreciate it. ~~Teresa

  32. CrochetingNanya Avatar

    Hey Teresa,
    I just started making an afghan using the ripple stitch and thanks to you I am actually doing for the first time. I just can’t tell you enough how grateful I am that you make these video’s for me and thousands of other crocheters. The way that you explain everything with such a warm and comfortable voice just makes learning stitches or refreshing stitches so pleasureable. I start begin and end everyday with crocheting. Soooo thank you so much for everything.

  33. divatia Avatar

    @thesleepyteacup13 Maybe I can help with the answer on the valleys try skipping only 2 stitches on the foundation row and skipping only 1 stitch on the rest of the rows. She does it at 8:50 in the video

  34. thesleepyteacup13 Avatar

    i am having the exact issue as divatia, i chain 30 but come up short in the end. I have even checked into the written instructions and i am having the same issue. Also how do you do the “valleys” on the rows after the first, i seem to be doing the decreases wrong. I am skipping two stitches just like the foundation row but it doesnt seem to work out. please help. thanks.

  35. divatia Avatar

    In the written instructions I notice that the pattern length is in multiples of 12+6 which I can understand and follow, but in the video I the only way I can follow to a T is if I chain in multiples of 14+7. Can you specify how many chains it took to make the swatch in this particular video to avoid any confusion? Besides that the tutorial is great. Thank you!

  36. Flgkhj02 Avatar

    To difficult for me 🙂

  37. jennelovesjames Avatar

    Finally! I’m so glad you do video demonstrations because I still get confused when reading patterns. Plus for a beginner like me, most patterns just plain don’t make any sense whatsoever. Especially since everyone has different abbreviations. I’m pregnant and not sure what I’m having yet and I wanted to start on an easy crochet pattern for a blanket. I’d prefer to crochet because I can change colors quick and easy plus I don’t have to deal with two needles.

  38. tjw1963 Avatar

    @Marcela91362 I appreciate the comment, thank you. I wish you much continued success with crochet.

  39. Marcela91362 Avatar

    You are the reason I signed up on YouTube, thank you so much for being so patience and detailed in explaining how to make a ripple crochet. I have watched many instructional crochet videos on YouTube and you are the best instructor I have found so far. Hope to learn more crochet stitches from you!

  40. acidentprone Avatar

    Wonderful!!! Thank you so much for posting such great videos!!!

  41. tjw1963 Avatar

    @acidentprone For example, if you wanted 8 ripples, you would take 8×12=96+6=102. You will make a chain of 102. Each set of 12 chains is what you need for each ripple. There will always be an odd amount of stitches at the beginning of each pattern stitch that you are doing, which is the 6 extra chains which are added on 1 time.

  42. acidentprone Avatar

    Ok, I see…so make my length in multiples of 12, like 36, 48, or 60 and then right at the end of the first row add the six extra stitches?

  43. tjw1963 Avatar

    @acidentprone It takes 12 chains to make each ripple. The +6 are the extra stitches at the beginning.

  44. acidentprone Avatar

    I was wondering what you mean by the multiplier is 12 +6…what does that mean?

  45. mzzkaye Avatar

    when i get to my 4th line and so on the ripple starts to straighten out! what am i doing wrong!!

  46. tjw1963 Avatar

    @Kakerville You are welcome! 🙂

  47. Kakerville Avatar

    This beautiful pattern is going to be used by me to make an afghan ! Thank you so much ! I will post a vid response when i am done ! almost there ! luv it ! thanks again

  48. mona123456ish Avatar

    Thanks for the add!

  49. tjw1963 Avatar

    Maybe you could work it in a round and hand stitch to the dress?

  50. eiwozdesign Avatar

    how could I adapt this to put it on the bottom of a baby dress?

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