Crochet Triangle-Star

Single Crochet Triangle Instructions and picture instructions on my CROCHET BLOG. Crochet Blog





25 responses to “Crochet Triangle-Star”

  1. tjw1963 Avatar

    @Folashade1000 I will look forward to your finished project.

  2. tjw1963 Avatar

    @ThakYuki You are welcome! Thank you for the comment!

  3. Folashade1000 Avatar

    Thank u so much am going to do this for d back of a blouse when I finish with this i will post it thanks for posting.

  4. ThakYuki Avatar

    I used this pattern to make a doll sized bikini top, and reversed the sequence to make a matching bikini bottom. Thank you so much for the easy-to-follow videos!

  5. ALETHEIA8881 Avatar

    Teressa, you are an amazing artist and a wonderful teacher, i feel as I owe you my sanity, i tried in the past to learn this art, but failed miserably with frustration… i have had so much racing through mind and needed a healthy outlet… this is perfect for me and my health… its amazing how this art frees my mind and also have had memories come back from my childhood that needed to be addressed, so just wow – just wow… so just really thank you so much..
    peace and love

  6. tjw1963 Avatar

    @maruiana You are welcome.

  7. maruiana Avatar

    thanks!! just what I was looking for!

  8. Kakerville Avatar

    @BohemianThings sorry for a late reply, if you already have help on your question then neva mind lol, but i would go aroung like a granny square but its a triangle and then when you get to a corner, do 3 double crochets a the same corner:)

  9. tjw1963 Avatar

    @CindyRobertson123 I have never made a shawl but the increase on the sides will be the same until you get the size that you are looking for.

  10. CindyRobertson123 Avatar

    Oh I hope you can help me. I was wondering if this could be used to do a shawl. On a larger scale though.. If so any tips? Thanks so much for your wonderful tuts..they are so helpful. Cindy

  11. tjw1963 Avatar

    You are welcome.

  12. sarahnoreo Avatar

    WOW! you are amazing. i have watched your videos. they are amazing. i love them. i have watched like 50 and they are good. Thanks so much 😀

  13. tjw1963 Avatar

    You are welcome.

  14. Sugab28 Avatar

    I did it! LOL very happy. thank you!

  15. tjw1963 Avatar

    Thank you very much.

  16. tjw1963 Avatar

    You are welcome. I appreciate the comment.

  17. 224U000 Avatar

    Oh the expensive books & complicated abbreviations- I’m learning more through watching 3-4 of your videos than I have in a whole year of trying to read/figure all that out… Extra bonus- As I’m learning I’m picking up the abbreviations, and I will learn to read those written instructions, too- but SEEING it all first is REALLY helping… THANK YOU!!!!! C: <3

  18. Sugab28 Avatar

    EXCELLENT! You’re great at teaching and I’m learning quickly thru you. Thank you!

  19. 0663657879 Avatar

    thank you

  20. ladyocti1 Avatar

    I found this so handy a couple weeks ago when I made halloween bags. I made two that looked like pumpkins for a girl I work with who has two little ones. Triangles were exactly want I need for the eyes. Thank you.

  21. tjw1963 Avatar

    Yes, you can connect any shape to the cap for earflaps.

  22. surferdude91392 Avatar

    could you conect the triangles to a beanie to make ear flaps?

  23. PurnimaDlima Avatar

    Hi Teresa. I hv crocheted a lot of bags for my family and friends over the last 5 yrs. Also hv started taking orders!! I am now interested in christmas stuff!! More so the christmas tree skirt. Which site of urs do I go to learn that? I hv seen the holly which is so beautiful and so easy, already made it, also while doing it I got some new ideas on it and tried to make some diff decorations!! Ur videos are a great inspiration.

  24. tjw1963 Avatar

    Thank you. It is great that it turned out for you. If you ever crochet animal figures in the future, this triangle may come in handy as an ear. There are a lot of ways this triangle could be used.

  25. PurnimaDlima Avatar

    Teresa, u are truly amazing!! My triangle came out perfect!!! God bless u!!

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